Ice Blue Tones

Ice blue tones

“frozen rainbow” acrylic over watercolor, 11 x 15 inches

“ice blue” 12 x 12 inch watercolor

“ice blue bubbles” 7.75 x 7.75 inch watercolor

glazing grids exploring color relationships:

Watercolor Patterns

Practicing watercolor with some patterns… gems, stars…the values in the gems were starting to look a little muddy so I added white gel pen at the end.

Exploring Blue

“Exploring Blue” watercolor…I felt like experimenting and combined all my blue watercolors to see what the resulting mixture would look like…it is an interesting non-staining neutral blue that granulates quite a bit…there is some range of hue, from warm (ultramarine) to cold (phthalo) blue. I notice when photographing, cobalt blue seems very reflective and bright, but in reality it can be a bit darker. I added sparkles and salt at the end…